The General Services Administration’s (GSA) ninth annual Mission-Support Customer Satisfaction Survey is out for 2023, and the bottom-line finding is that the development, enhancement, and modernization of IT is one service that leaves the most room for improvement.
The governmentwide score for IT function this year landed just above a 5.5 on a seven-point scale – meaning that Feds “somewhat agree” that they were satisfied with the quality of IT function at their respective agencies.
The National Science Foundation (NSF) took the top spot for IT across the board, scoring a six for function, support, and equipment. The score of six was well above the governmentwide median for these IT areas, and generally means that NSF employees “agree” that they are satisfied with the quality of IT at their agency.
The Department of Defense (DoD) fell to the bottom of the list of Federal agencies for satisfaction with IT function, support, and equipment. DoD employees collectively reported middling satisfaction with IT at the department, giving it score of 4 – which is “neither agree nor disagree.”
The departments of State and Agriculture (USDA) also scored low on satisfaction with IT this year. The State Department ranked next to last in all three categories among the 24 agencies surveyed, with USDA just above.
Only a handful of agencies ranked above the governmentwide median level.
The Small Business Administration (SBA) and GSA had top marks for IT equipment and function, with SBA and the Department of Housing and Urban Development employees satisfied with IT support from the agencies.
The Mission-Support Customer Satisfaction Survey has been fielded annually since 2015. The survey was released as part of a quarterly update of the President’s Management Agenda on the website.
The survey was completed by more than 270,000 Federal employees at 24 agencies and drills in on satisfaction with several processes, including human resources, acquisition and financial management, and information technology. The results include breakdowns by agency component, job function, length of Federal service of respondents, and more.