President Biden announced on Nov. 17 his intent to nominate Dimitri Kusnezov as under secretary for science and technology at the Department of Homeland Security (DHS).
Currently, Kusnezov works at the Department of Energy (DoE), where he’s focused on emerging technologies. He has served in several positions at DoE, including the deputy under secretary for artificial intelligence and technology, “where he led the efforts to drive AI innovation and bring it into DoE missions, business, and operations, including through the creation of a new AI Office,” according to the White House.
Kusnezov joined the National Nuclear Security Administration in 2001, where he served as the agency’s chief scientist. He has also served as senior advisor to the U.S. Energy Secretary.
According to the White House, he has also served as “CIO, director of advanced simulation and computing, and the director of the multi-billion-dollar National Security Science, Technology and Engineering programs.”
Kusnezov received A.B. degrees in physics and in pure mathematics with highest honors from UC Berkeley. He completed his M.S. in physics and Ph.D. in theoretical nuclear physics at Princeton University. He has also taught at Yale University and Michigan State University.