The United States Postal Regulatory Commission is working to hire its first-ever chief data officer (CDO) and establish a Data Governance Board, Michael Kubayanda, nominee for commissioner at the Postal Regulatory Commission, told a Senate committee.
Kubayanda told the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee at his Nov. 18 nomination hearing that the Regulatory Commission is making both moves in accordance with the 2018 OPEN Government Data Act.
“Strategic use of data and technology updates the Commission’s traditional mission of transparency and accountability,” Kubayanda said in his prepared remarks. “It allows the Commission to benefit from better-informed inputs from a broader range of stakeholders and provides discipline and focus for the exercise of our core responsibilities.”
The new CDO post and Data Governance Board are just two of the ways Kubayanda said the Regulatory Commission is taking a “data-centric, customer-centric, and citizen-centric approach.”
To further boost the everyday capabilities of the United States Postal Service (USPS), President Biden nominated two more governors to serve USPS terms on Nov. 19. The White House nominated David Kan for a term that would expire in 2028 and Daniel Tangherlini to a term that would end in 2027.