A National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) draft report on a new program to standardized and centralize cybersecurity regulations is now open for public comment.
The draft explains the new National Cybersecurity Online Informative References (OLIR) Program, the benefits of OLIR, how to access OLIRs, and how subject matter experts can contribute. The program stems from the need to organize large amounts of cybersecurity guidance.
“The fields of cybersecurity, privacy, and workforce have a large number of documents, such as standards, guidance, and regulations,” NIST explained in the Jan. 27 draft. “There is no standardized way to indicate how an element of one document relates to an element of another document—for example, the relationship between requirement A in one document and recommendation 7.2 in another document.”
The National Cybersecurity OLIR Program solves this dilemma by standardizing these documents in a central repository. NIST hopes to facilitate conversations between cybersecurity subject matter experts to craft standardized cybersecurity communications through the program.
Comments on the draft will be accepted through Feb. 24.