The House Oversight and Government Reform (OGR) Committee’s new FITARA (Federal Information Technology Acquisition Reform Act) scorecard that rates Federal agency performance under the law gave 11 agencies lower grades since they were last measured in November 2017.
Of the 24 agencies rated, six received higher scores than for the November 2017 period, while seven received the same score.
Mired at the failing “F” level was the Defense Department, which has been continuously chided by OGR for claiming IT reporting exemptions.
Eight other agencies were in the near-failing “D” level. Among agencies with improving performance, the Transportation Department’s score jumped to C+, from F+.
The committee released its latest FITARA scorecard in advance of a hearing scheduled for tomorrow to discuss the grades.
The agencies with declining scores were:
Agriculture Department, with a grade of D-, from the previous grade of C-;
Commerce Department, with a grade of C+, down from B+;
Homeland Security Department, with a grade of D-, down from C-;
Justice Department, with a grade of D-, down from C-;
State Department, with a grade of D-, down from C-;
Treasury Department, with a grade of D-, down from C-;
Veterans Affairs Department, with a grade of C+, down from B+;
Nuclear Regulatory Commission, with a grade of D-, from C-;
Office of Personnel Management, with a grade of D+, down from C+;
Small Business Administration, with a grade of D+, down from C-; and
U.S. Agency for International Development, with a grade of C-, from A-.
Federal agencies with improved scores were:
Energy Department, with a score of C+, up from D+;
Health and Human Services, with a score of C-, up from D-;
Housing and Urban Development, with a score of C+, up from C-;
Labor Department, with a score of C-, up from D-;
Transportation Department, with a score of C+, up from F+;
National Science Foundation, with a score of B+, up from C-;
Agencies whose scores remained the same were:
Defense Department, at F+;
Education Department, at B+;
Interior Department, at C+;
Environmental Protection Agency, at C+;
General Services Administration, at B+;
National Aeronautics and Space Administration, at C+; and
Social Security Administration, at C+.
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