The first High Impact Service Provider (HISP) Action Plans on customer experience (CX) have been released by to highlight public-facing services in accordance with 2018 Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Circular A-11 Section 280 guidance and the President’s Management Agenda.
The CX Cross-agency priority (CAP) goal worked with HISPs in Fiscal Year 2019 to have them: self-assess for five CX maturity dimensions, including Measurement, Governance, Organization and Culture, Customer Research, and Service Design; identify for each HISP the two most important focus areas for FY2020; and have each HISP “describe their two planned actions and their relationship to actual example HISP customer profiles.”
An update on the CX CAP goal plan listed several common themes across the HISP Action Plans that were submitted. Measurement was an area of focus for 31 percent of HISPs, with Customer Research coming in next at 25 percent. Organization and Culture was identified by 19 percent of HISPs, and Governance and Service Design were identified by 12 percent of HISPs.
The HISPs also dealt several challenges to overcome in efforts to reaching CX maturity such as a lack of funding and staffing, and including the ability to hire human-centered design (HCD) talent.
Over the next year, HISPs will be looking to improve their digital capabilities. Some examples of these digital improvements include:
- The U.S. Patent and Trademark Office plan to improve its website digital experience;
- The Department of Health and Human Service’s Health Insurance Marketplace plan to focus on IT investments using HCD;
- The Department of Labor’s Office of Worker Compensation Programs plan to develop a claimant access portal to view case files;
- The Department of Homeland Security’s Citizenship and Immigration Services plan deploy online filing forms;
- gov’s plan to improve the camping reservation process;
- Federal Student Aid’s plan to consolidate websites into a single digital source; and
- The Internal Revenue Service’s plan to modernize online payment systems to give customers more options.