Perhaps the most ambitious and transformational information security project ever attempted by the Federal government – the Continuous Diagnostics and Mitigation (CDM) program – is set to go under the microscope on October 10 at MeriTalk’s CDM Central conference dedicated to navigating the Federal cybersecurity roadmap.
The breakfast-through-lunch half-day conference at the Newseum in Washington, D.C. will feature both the top Federal administrators and practitioners of CDM – whose aim is to raise and standardize the practice of IT security at all levels of the enterprise. Seven years since its creation, the CDM program has made terrific inroads into that mission, but the larger goal is still over the horizon.
CDM Central will showcase 22 government and industry experts who are best equipped to tell the government how to progress further toward that goal, and how the private sector can help.
On the Federal leadership front:
- Federal CISO Grant Schneider will keynote on the government-wide strategic imperative;
- CDM Program Manager Kevin Cox will discuss program priorities and updates;
- Sean Connelly, Senior Cybersecurity Architect at CISA, will talk TIC 3.0;
- Branko Bokan, .govCAR Evangelist at CISA, will dive into cybersecurity architecture; and
- John Felker, Assistant Director, Integrated Ops Division at CISA, will tie security efforts together.
And a host of Federal agency CDM practitioners will discuss the art and science of implementation:
- Maria Roat, CIO at Small Business Administration;
- Greg Sisson, deputy CISO at Department of Energy;
- Tiina Rodrigue, CISO at Consumer Financial Protection Board;
- Gary Stevens, Deputy CISO and head of cyber policy at Department of Veterans Affairs;
- Jeff Eisensmith, former CISO at Department of Homeland Security;
- Ben Liberty, CDM Program Manager at Department of Interior; and
- Bernard Asare, IT Security Program Manager at Department of Health and Human Services
For everyone up to and including the truly ninja-level CDM practitioner, there will be something new to learn and someone new to meet. Click here to register for CDM Central.
Later in the afternoon of October 10, please join MeriTalk for our CDM Cyber Smoke Federal IT networking event at Morton’s on Connecticut Avenue in Washington, where we will continue the conversation. See you there!