The National Security Agency gave Columbus State University in Georgia a $174,000 grant to develop a cybersecurity training tool.
“We are building a tool that people across the nation can use to develop cybersecurity training, which guarantees compliance with government and industry standards for cybersecurity workforce development,” Shuangbao “Paul” Wang, a professor in CSU’s TSYS School of Computer Science, said in a press release. “The award makes CSU one of the top universities in the nation in providing technologies for cybersecurity workforce development to universities, government and private sector across the nation.”

Wang said the tool is a cloud-based, visual mapping solution that can be accessed anywhere in the world, including from many Department of Defense offices.
CSU’s Department of Computer Science houses a Center for Cyber Defense Education. The cyber defense curriculum has been reviewed with standards published by the Committee on National Security Systems and NSA.
“Our faculty are truly at the leading edge of cybersecurity research and curriculum development,” said Wayne Summers, chair of the TSYS School of Computer Science.
CSU’s research was enabled by Federal investments of more than $19 billion for cybersecurity.
“National cybersecurity workforce development is one of the key areas of this action plan,” Wang said. “Our project idea has been well-received in academia and industry, and has been presented at several major national cybersecurity conferences. Upon completion, universities, government, and private sector across the nation can use the tool to quickly develop training and curriculum that otherwise would not be possible due to lack of experts, knowledge and skills.”