President Biden has nominated Andrew Fois to a five-year term as chairman of the Administrative Conference of the United States (ACUS) – an independent Federal agency that convenes experts from the public and private sectors to recommend improvements to Federal government administrative processes and procedures.
Fois has been attorney advisor of legislative affairs at the Administrative Office of the United States Courts since 2016, and before that was a deputy attorney general in the Office of the District of Columbia Attorney General.
If his nomination is confirmed by the Senate, Fois will head a Federal agency that, according to its website, works to “promote efficiency, participation, and fairness in the promulgation of Federal regulations and in the administration of Federal programs.”
In recent months, the Administrative Conference has looked at such issues as mass comments, computer-generated comments, and wrongly attributed comments in Federal agency rulemaking proceedings, government contract bid protests under the Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR), and Federal agency use of artificial intelligence technologies.