Social Shenanigans?

Ever wonder about the validity of social media? What’s the moniker – trust but verify? I’ve always had my suspicions about Facebook Likes. Not to mention those randos that follow you on Twitter, even though you have not tweeted in four years. I’m really not that popular in real life – ask anybody that knows me. Well, Derek Muller at Veritasium dishes on the lies behind the likes.
Here’s where I commit social hara-kiri – I’m going to recommend that you take nine minutes out of your day to watch a YouTube video. Not only is the content insightful – but the presentation style is worth your time investment. You have 1,440 minutes per day – 10,080 in a week. So, nine minutes is 1/160 of your day – or 1/80 if you sleep half the day.
I’ll make this cup a quarter pour. Give you more time to watch the video. Remember, all that glitters is not gold.