P.S. I Love You

Nothing excites this town like scandalous behavior.
The Library of Congress this month will unseal love letters written by President Warren G. Harding. The 29th president – generally regarded as one of the nation’s worst presidents – wrote the letters to Carrie Fulton Phillips.
President Harding and Carrie Phillips weren’t married. That may not seem so shocking now, but he wrote the steamy letters 100 years ago.
Unrequited Love
Not everyone has time to write passionate prose.
The House and Senate have fewer than 20 legislative days scheduled to tackle some important tech issues prior to the August recess. Don’t think their loved ones will receive romantic expressions in the mail anytime soon.
Rocky Relationship
A Senate panel on Tuesday marked up a key cyber security information sharing bill behind closed doors, and that bill could move to the floor soon. Privacy advocates want big changes to the Senate version, so you can bet they aren’t writing love letters to Congress.
Revelations of a cyber attack on power grids might convince all sides to kiss and make up so they can improve cyber security. Symantec Corp. said one hacking group targets “energy grid operators, major electricity generation firms, petroleum pipeline operators, and energy industry industrial equipment providers.”
Spurned by VanRoekel
FITARA’s fate is tied to the National Defense Authorization Act, the 2015 Defense appropriations bill. The House passed the bill in May. The Senate, which advanced a separate FITARA bill, has not completed its work on the Defense spending measure. The administration still isn’t in love with FITARA.
It seems odd that so many people believe Feds need to change how they buy IT, but the administration and CIO Steve VanRoekel can’t bring themselves to embrace the idea.
Lots to do, and so little time. Someone’s bound to have their heart broken. At least we have our summer reading to look forward to – and those scandalous letters from President Harding to the other woman.
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Bill Glanz is the content director for MeriTalk and its Exchange communities. In the past 14 years, he has worked as a business reporter, press secretary, and media relations director in Washington, D.C.