Texas on Sept. 1 launched an IT marketplace website for state agencies to get the best deals for cloud services, the Lone Star State’s CIO tells MeriTalk.com. “Texas is leading the country on cloud. We have more cloud contracts in place than any other state,” CIO Todd Kimbriel said in an interview. […]
Presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton issued an ambitious “Technology & Innovation” agenda to connect every U.S. household to the Internet by 2020 and offer entrepreneurs the option of deferring their student loans for up to three years as they launch their own businesses. […]
Taking the lead for 36 states, Utah is expected to issue a National Association of State Procurement Officials cloud computing contract in August that helps states get the best deal for equipment and software by bundling their shopping lists into a single bid. […]
Nelson P. Moe, Virginia’s chief information officer, has a vision to make the commonwealth’s 63 agencies more agile with better technology and response time at the speed that meets business needs. […]
The White House announced that 53 police departments have committed to an initiative designed to make local policing more transparent. […]
Six states–Arizona, Maryland, Michigan, North Carolina, Rhode Island, and Virginia–are participating in a learning lab on improving the use of data to drive efficient decision-making in policymaking, the National Governors Association announced. […]
The National Association of State Chief Information Officers issued a “planning guide” to help states deal with a cyber disruption. Cyber disruption response planning is essential, the report said: “Ignore at your own peril.” […]
In the wake of a rash of fatal shootings of unarmed black youths by police officers, a 50-state, nonprofit cooperative purchasing group known as NASPO ValuePoint is about to issue an RFP for public safety video equipment that will include body-worn cameras for police officers for the first time. “We do believe we get better value through the NASPO value contracts by utilizing multiple-states buying power,” said Christopher Hughes, assistant director of the Utah Division of Purchasing. […]
The White House is threatening to veto HR 1675 if it passes the Senate, after the House of Representatives passed the Small Company Disclosure Simplification Act that would not require most U.S. companies to file machine-readable financial statements. […]
In a new report, the Government Accountability Office said some of the definitions provided to Federal agencies for reporting spending data under the Digital Accountability and Transparency Act of 2014 are inadequate, and “could lead to inconsistent reporting.” […]