Rapid info sharing is critical to effective cyber security – and the need for trusted threat intelligence is greater than ever. From prosecuting criminals to stopping a data hack to sharing threat indicators across levels of jurisdiction – cyber intelligence has become a key element in government’s increasingly robust cyber posture. How can agencies leverage […]

Blind spots need to be checked constantly when driving. But as cyber programs and technologies evolve quickly across Federal agencies, checking the rear view mirror isn’t always easy. Vulnerabilities abound and it’s a major challenge to keep agencies continuously responsive to threats, incidents, end-user errors, and other potential data spills. How are analytics helping agencies […]

As agencies see changes in cyber monitoring and reporting approaches, challenges still remain to mitigating insider threats – both malicious and unintentional. With minimum standards for insider threat programs part of recent mandates, and new guidance and a government-wide program expected to deploy over the coming months, the balance between security and access is tough […]

Government agencies are becoming all too familiar with cyber threats, attackers, hackers, back doors, breaches, and other vulnerabilities – but not all have implemented security controls essential for reducing cyber threats. Addressing cybersecurity threats seems daunting, time consuming, and expensive – yet with each new attack, governments lose information and citizens lose trust. Implementing security […]

End of Cyber Security Brainstorm Please join us on the 8th floor at 1:45 p.m. for the NIST Cloud Security Working Group. This event is complimentary to all attendees […]
The Internet was designed to foster collaboration across multiple private networks, providing a low security barrier to entry for new hosts that wanted to connect and share information. With threats emerging via multiple vectors coupled with the explosion of pervasive computing created by the Internet of Things, we reached a technical inflection point that calls […]