Jerry Markon


The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has successfully completed the first phase of three generative AI (GenAI) pilot programs, gaining the knowledge necessary to keep rolling out the developing technology for a variety of missions, a top DHS IT official said today at IBM’s Think Leadership Exchange event in Washington, D.C., produced by MeriTalk. […]

The Federal government’s primary personnel investigative agency’s deficient cybersecurity oversight and outdated IT systems pose a risk to national security, and the agency’s director this week pledged action to fix those ongoing technology problems – although he said some of the root causes may not be fully addressed for several years. […]

Modernization, Army, cybersecurity, technology

The U.S. Army is launching a generative AI (GenAI) pilot this summer, with a top Army official saying she is “excited” about the project even as the service proceeds quickly but cautiously because of security concerns. […]

Sen. Mark Warner

Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen said today that artificial intelligence technologies pose “significant risks” to financial markets that include biased decision-making yet also offer “tremendous opportunities” to lower costs and improve access to financial products. […]

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) is turning to artificial intelligence (AI), cloud, and high-performance computing technologies to better forecast and disseminate weather and climate information, NOAA Administrator Rick Spinrad said on June 4. […]

Two leading government agencies are getting set to release their latest guidance for Federal officials on how to start securing critical data against potential cybersecurity threats posed by advances in quantum computing, officials said on May 30.  […]

Budget Federal spending

The chair of a key Senate committee expressed support this week for the Biden administration’s proposal to increase Federal funding to advance artificial intelligence (AI), quantum computing, and other emerging technologies, along with boosting support for the Department of Energy’s (DoE) Office of Science. […]

A top Department of Energy (DoE) official presented a sobering portrait of the nation’s cyber readiness this week, saying that a lack of funding is preventing Federal agencies from fully adhering to the Biden administration’s cybersecurity executive order (EO). […]

Jerry Markon