The Federal CIO Council launched a government-wide Data Center Consolidation Task Force to consolidate and increase efficiencies and to help meet the overall Federal target of a minimum of 800 data center closures by 2015. The Task Force comprises data center program managers, facilities managers, and sustainability officers from 24 agencies that work together to share progress toward individual agency goals. This dataset reflects information provided by the agencies. […]

The Administration has expanded the data center consolidation initiative to include data centers of any size, rather than just those 500 square feet and above. And as we expand the initiative we are also expanding our goal. Moving forward, the government’s goal will be to close at least 40% of identified data centers, consistent with our original consolidation goal. That means we’ll be looking to consolidate at least 1200 data centers by the end of 2015 – a goal that requires us to continue aggressively rooting out duplication and waste in our expanded baseline of 3,133 data centers. As of March 2012, updates reflect a shift from calendar year to fiscal year reporting. This dataset reflects information provided by the agencies. […]

Data center closures for the Departments of State and Education. […]