In July 2011, the Pentagon released an unprecedented cybersecurity strategy that formally branded cyberspace as a domain of warfare, akin to land, sea, air and space. But, instead of outlining offensive measures, the framework focuses on how to deter the enemy from ever attempting an attack. As part of this plan, the military is employing “active cyber defense” – an amalgamation of sensors, software and intelligence reports aimed at instantly blocking malicious activity. […]

Cyber security is one of the most serious national security, public safety, and economic challenges organizations face today. As a result, the need to safeguard government and private organizations’ information systems has never been greater. But how do you do more with less? In this SANS case study and webinar, learn how a large research organization ensures effective operations and protection against cyber threats—and how FireEye helps get the job done […]

Cybersecurity tools have evolved, and state and local agencies today collect mountains of data on cyberthreats. Not surprisingly, 68 percent of Fed, State, and Local cyber pros report their organization is overwhelmed by the volume of security data they collect. […]