If It’s Connected, It Must Be Protected

The democratization of information and the explosion of digital technologies have connected the world like never before, creating more efficient and collaborative ways of working for Federal agencies and all types of organizations. But this great opportunity comes with a great challenge: protecting networks and data from bad actors seeking to exploit ever-expanding cyberattack surfaces.

Federal civilian agencies and the Department of Defense are meeting the challenge head on, supported by cyber directives, public-private partnerships, unified cybersecurity solutions, and automation. Learn how they are leveraging existing and new technologies to enable enterprise-wide visibility and robust cybersecurity protection for everything that’s connected.

Watch: Connected and Protected
Listen: The Combination Punch Agencies Need for Better Cybersecurity

In this episode of MeriTalking, MeriTalk’s Gail Emery sits down with Peter Romness, cybersecurity principal, CISO Advisors Office at Cisco, to explore why agencies need unified cybersecurity solutions, visibility across their environment, and comprehensive threat intelligence capabilities to go toe-to-toe against bad actors – and earn the decision.

Read: DOD’s Comply-To-Connect Evolves, Blocks Bad Actors From Defense Systems

Comply-to-Connect began in 2013 as the Department of Defense’s (DoD) program to help the service branches prevent unsecured devices from connecting to the DoD network.

MeriTalk spoke with Michael Overstreet, director of systems engineering at Cisco, how Comply-to-Connect has evolved – and how it today uses zero trust principles to protect access to the DoD network and data.

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